
Why News Years Resolutions Fail and How to Fix Them

5 simple tips to help you stick to your new years’ resolutions  Have you ever decided “this is it – this year I’m going to …….” and then the list reels out: lose weight, get more fit, get that promotion, make more money or finally clean out the...

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5 Easy Tips to Beat Christmas Overwhelm

 Stress management techniques for Christmas   Christmas has always been a time for numbers – Ye olde 12 days of Christmas, the final number of days to shop until Christmas, the countdown to New Year, marking off the days until the kids go back to school or you go...

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Silent Overwhelm – are you crying on the inside?

In our home our stress management techniques are pretty vocal. We have the tendency to use our hands to express our feelings and we all have a vigorous, and recognisable, vocal range – there’s a particular “ Uumph” as the generations shimmy off to another (better)...

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How to Ditch Overwhelm & Get your Life Back

I had a real “aha” moment recently when taking my 5-year-old grandson, Eli, out for the day. We pulled into the garage to get petrol when he asked: “Grandma, why do we need to get petrol?” “Well,” I said, “if we don’t...

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Welcome to Revitalize You

Hi! my name is Tric and I’d like to welcome you to my blog, my website and the home base for the Revitalize You program and community. From my more than 30 years practice as a relationship psychologist, I’ve met hundreds of women overwhelmed and exhausted...

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